Mats for the Homeless Ministry

The mats on the altar were crocheted from plastic grocery bags. They serve as an extra layer of protection from the elements when homeless people sleep on the ground. The mat placed underneath a blanket helps keep the blanket dry while offering a little cushion from the cold, wet ground.

Several churches are represented in the mat-making project that meets at the Community Achievement Center on Flat Shoals Parkway in Decatur. Among the dedicated participants are several Clifton ladies, Eugenia Bell, Ella Hicks, Renee Howard, Vera Jones, Velma Larkins, and Jamie White. We thank God for their faithfulness to this ministry. We also pray God will watch over the homeless in our community, providing for their needs and keeping them safe. May we all share our resources of time, talent, and treasures so those lacking in their share may be showered with God’s abundant blessings.